You will not sell The Isle of Wight VoucherBook to someone that hasn't looked through a sample copy or viewed it online !!
People will not buy it on impulse - they need to hold it and more importantly flick though it. Soft sell, zero pressure works!
Doing the following requires little or no effort on your part and does increase sales.
Use the coasters/ beer mats. Some just put one on a table, others more. Some hand one to customer at till...'have a look at the deals in that on your phone.....we sell them here''.
If someone asks to view one give them a sample copy with the corner removed. If you need more sample copies or coasters let me kniw, you can always sacrifice a copy to make it a sample.
NOTE: you are far more likely to sell a copy Friday - Monday to island visitors. if they are only here for another two days it may not make sense for them to buy.
PS. Don't accept any vouchers with the bottom right hand corners missing !!!