- How To Sell VoucherBooks -

How many VoucherBooks you sell is entirely dependent on how proactive you wish your staff to be.

The Isle of Wight VoucherBook is very much a physical product in a digital age.....but it works.  People  will  not  buy  it  on  impulse - they  need  to  hold  it  and  more  importantly  flick  though  it. Soft  sell,  zero  pressure  works!

Sacrifice  a  copy  or  two  to  use  as  a  sample  copy as below  .

If a restaurant - ask customers casually if they are visiting the island.  

If yes then at an opportune time hand the sample to a female member of the group -  95% of our online sales are to women.!  

''oh, by the way....you might want to consider one of these if your out and about on the island'

Collect later saying you need to give it to another table with a ''did you want to buy a VoucherBook?'' 

If it's a regular customer then a simple....''have you seen the Isle of Wight VoucherBook yet - really good'' and hand them sample.

Take from this advice what you will but the above approach was far and away the most successful one we tried so do brief your staff to give it a go.

NOTE: you are far more likely to sell a copy Friday - Monday to island visitors.  if they are only here for another two days it may not make sense for them to buy.

PS. Don't accept any vouchers with the bottom right hand corners missing !!!